The Future Plan

We as a group are very conscious that if the village and the vital infrastructure that surrounds it is to survive for the long term and future generations, then it is imperative that a plan is put into place that will cover the next 100 years or so. It should be noted that this has already been achieved with the coastal defences that were put into place in the 1900s by the Victorians to protect Dunrobin Castle. We are however, much more aware of our human footprint these days and the impact that we have on our environment and it is imperative that we work with Mother Nature so that we can harness the power that she wields. To this end, this plan will take many years to create, fund and implement and thus we as a group are committed to working with all parties to see this to  fruition. As a starting point, we have drawn up a basic strategy below to achieve this:

Protect the Village, Protect the A9, Protect the Future

  • Sea level rise is set to accelerate over the coming decades, we can expect to see more coastal flooding, erosion and coastline retreat.
  • Prevailing winds of force 5 or greater are reported  around 60% of the time in the east of the United Kingdom. Anecdotally, Golspie is getting more easterly winds which will drive the sea onto the coast. 
  • Most climate projections indicate that winter windstorms will increase in number and intensity over the UK i.e. more winter storms, including disproportionately more severe storms, are projected to cross the UK.

Golspie could be considered the ‘Gateway to the North’ as it is situated at the bottom of Ben Bhraggie hill along one side and the sea and coastline on the opposite side, sandwiched between the two.

The village sits on key terrain with the vital A9 trunk road and the main ‘Far North Railway line’ operated by Scotrail running straight through it.


The main aim must be to safeguard the infrastructure so that the north of Scotland remains accessible at all times. 


This will need to be substantial and thus all revenue streams need to be explored not just from government but also from other sectors such as lottery, enterprises, crowdfunding and private benefactors.

© Golspie Flood Action Group 2024 

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